Electrical Engineering Division
Distribution Network Operation Department
Our special Distribution Network Operation Department is focused on customer service in the area of distribution network operation.. The department is staffed by experienced team with a long history of involvement in solving problems in the operation of distribution grids. The department provides expert services including:
Operating neutral points of distribution networks (DS)
- analysis of the current network situation both in conventional distribution and in industrial MV networks;
- design of available methods of the neutral point operation (insulated, compensated = resonant grounded, special);
- technical modifications performed to improve operating conditions in the network;
- possibilities of solving voltage unbalance in distribution and industrial networks;
- earth fault protection and detection systems depending on the method of neutral point operation.
Development and production of special electronic devices
- MCI P-01 - current injection module for arc suppression coil tuning;
- ARS series controllers for auxiliary resistor switching;
- controllers for special purposes, such as Faulty Phase Earthing (FPE).
Metering electrical quantities in LV and MV networks
- recording time history of the electrical quantities;
- assessment of the records; analysis of results;
- preparation of evaluative studies.
Lectures and training courses on operating distribution networks